Digital badges in the Open Badges format, working with IBM in the P-TECH project and the ongoing development of the Integrated Qualifications System. IBE has not been idle and is backing the latest solutions in innovative education and responsible business.

The 2021 Polish Intelligent Development Awards were presented at the Intelligent Development Forum in Toruń. The Educational Research Institute was awarded for its work on developing the Integrated Qualifications System in Poland.

Distance learning using modern technology is already a permanent reality in the world. The situation with the COVID-19 pandemic has only accelerated this process. Now it turns out that e-learning may soon become an interesting alternative also in Poland.

During the coronavirus pandemic, education moved onto a virtual platform. The remote teaching of children and youth became a dominant topic in the public discourse. But what happened to the adults who were participating in various types of educational activities? The Educational Research Institute tried to find out.